How to Get Rid of Bugs That Eat Your Clothes in Closet | Find Out Here

Have you ever tried to open an old cabinet filled with clothes, and you find out that your clothes are being eaten by something?

Well, you are not the only one with this problem.

It may sound like your worst nightmare because one of your favorite pajamas may have been eaten by fabric-eating bugs, and once it has happened, it is already too late.

Important Note: If you're tired of pests and want a reliable solution, then you should definitely consider seeking help from a professional pest control company. DIY solutions can be effective, but if you're dealing with a significant pest infestation, you don't want to rely solely on DIY methods. Pest control companies typically don't charge huge fees. You can fill out this form to receive free quotes from the top local pest control companies, and compare the quotes and see for yourself. Then, finally, your pest problems will be eliminated for good.

The damage has been done.

However, don’t worry because we will help you figure out the best way to get rid of bugs that eat clothes inside your closet.

Those nasty fabric-eating bugs should get away from your favorite clothes, so continue reading this helpful guide for you!

Which Are the Clothes-Eating Insects?

How to Stop Bugs that Eat Clothes

Numerous clothes-eating insects can be the suspect for your broken fabric.


We can find cockroaches almost everywhere in the house. We can even find them in the kitchen, dining room, even the toilet.

But these roaches are also fond of eating clothes with various substances that stick onto the fabric.

If the material has body stains, drink spills, or even food stains or crumbs, then the cockroaches are immediately attracted to eat the fabric itself.

Therefore it is important to eliminate roaches timely before it becomes an infestation.

Carpet Beetles

One of the most common fabric eaters is carpet beetles.

The female carpet beetles lay a hundred eggs in 1-2 weeks. These eggs are laid on clothing, furniture, carpet, and many more warm areas to keep the eggs safe.

The more beetles will eat your fabric when they multiply, the greater the infestation you have to deal with.

Carpet beetles are attracted to natural fibers and can also eat your clothes. 


We may hear crickets at night, but you don’t know that they are suspects in eating your clothes as well!

However, they are not commonly known for eating fabrics or making holes with the clothes.

Crickets are attracted to dirty clothes. Once they find soil, food stains, and laundry starch, the clothes may get their attention and start to eat the soil and food remains.

Even when they just intend to eat the remains that stick onto the clothes, they still tend to eat the thread and the fabric, which damages the quality of the clothes.


Even when termites are attracted to wood, they still tend to damage your clothes, especially when they can find food sources as well.

Some termites might eat the remains if the fabric has wood pieces or even soil and food remains, including the material.

How to Get Rid of Bugs That Eat Clothes in Closet

Clean your Closet

Before anything else, you have to clean the closet where you placed your clothes. Remove the clothes in the area, and start sweeping and wiping the cabinet. 

Make sure you place the clothes in an isolated area to ensure that the insects inside the fabric are isolated as well.

This is to ensure that no bits and tiny bugs are still roaming inside and so you can get rid of the possible insects that are eating your clothes that may have stayed on the walls of the closet.

Get Rid of Bugs That Eat Your Clothes in Closet

Shake Off the Clothes

To ensure that no insects are still hanging on each fabric, you have to shake off the dust and dirt your clothes have so the insects will fall as well.

Make sure to shake off the clothes in an isolated area, and once you finish shaking off the dust, put them in a clean laundry bag to prepare for the next step.

Wash your Clothes

Yes, this is the very best way to get rid of fabric-eating insects. Even when you haven’t worn the clothes yet, you need to rewash them to remove all the insects eating the fabric out of your favorite pair of jeans.

Never forget to separate denim, whites, and colored clothes in washing to avoid discoloration.

Once you finish washing the clothes, dry them and fold them properly, and place them on a clean surface for a while.

Use Insecticide or Pesticide in the Cabinet

There are multiple chemical insecticides and pesticides available, and you should use them to get rid of the bugs that eat clothes in your cabinet.

Make sure to spray or sprinkle them first with the empty cabinet and wait for the chemical insecticide to settle down before putting your clothes back again.

Check out these roach killers to eliminate them immediately and effectively from your wardrobes and cabinets.

Place Back your Clothes in the Cabinet

Once the insecticide has settled down, you can now place back your clean clothes in the closet and close the cabinet’s door properly to ensure no entry from any insects.

If Termites Eat your Wooden Cabinet, get it Fixed or Rid of it.

One of the reasons bugs can enter your closet to eat the fabric is the cabinet opening.

It is not the door we are talking about: it’s about the proper seal and wood quality that affect the quality of your clothes as well.

If the termites eat your wood, it creates a big opening for other insects inside the cabinet.

Hence, you need to get your wardrobe fixed by a professional or replace that part of the cabinet with a plank of new wood.

This way, even when insects are attracted to the fabric you have in store, it will be hard for them to find a way to eat your clothes.

Remember that termites can also eat your clothes. So, if they are eating your cabinet, there is a great chance they are consuming the threads of your favorite clothes.

Final Words

An infestation involving clothes is one of the worst things that could ever happen to homeowners, and we only want to store our clothes in the cabinet to organize everything.

However, if the fabric-eating bugs have taken over your wardrobe, you should perform the methods mentioned above to eliminate the bugs that eat clothes.

By now, you should identify how strong the infestation is and how you can stop them from your home.

Take some time to check your wardrobe if bugs are eating your clothes because you don’t want things to worsen in the future!

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I'm Daniel White, and I live in Jacksonville, Florida. The warm and humid climate of Florida gives an ideal habitat for many different kinds of pests. So, if I had to live in Florida, I had to learn how to deal with these pests. Now, I have 7 years of experience in Pest Control.

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