What Are Clover Mites? Everything You Want To Know About

All of us as homeowners may at some point have witnessed tiny red bugs on the cemented floor, curtains, rugs, furniture, walls, floors, and other belongings. Sometimes they are very large in numbers. How are these caused?

Clover mites are responsible for these pigments. What damage they can do and how to get rid of them, all these questions will be answered through this article.

What Are Clover Mites?

For us, they are just tiny red bugs the size of a pinhead. Scientifically, they are close relatives of spiders and ticks. They are true mites, not insects. 

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They have long legs and feed on clover, grassy lawns, and plants and mostly appear in the months of spring and fall.

Where Do They Come From?

Clover mites are small, reddish-brown insects that are related to spiders. They get their name from their habit of feeding on the leaves of clover plants. Clover mites do not bite or sting humans, but they can be a nuisance because they often enter homes in large numbers.

Clover mites are most commonly found in the spring and early summer, when they are active in search of food. They are often seen crawling on walls, windowsills, and other sunny surfaces. Clover mites can also be found in gardens and lawns, where they feed on grasses and other plants.

When clover mites enter homes, they usually do not survive for long because they cannot find enough food. However, if there is a large population of clover mites present, they can become a nuisance by leaving red stains on walls and furniture. In addition, their bodies can release an unpleasant odor when crushed.

Where Can We Find Them?

To invade your house, they use cracks and tiny openings in windows and doors. They crawl through it to enter your house.

Inside, you may find them crawling on walls or windows. When smashed, they leave behind a tell-tale stain.

Outside, you may find them on siding, brick walls, and other outside surfaces. The numbers can be in thousands. Usually, they are seen on the sunniest side of the house or foundation as they are attracted to it.

How to Identify a Clover Mite Infestation

To identify a clover mite infestation, look for small, red insects crawling on surfaces near vegetation. These pests are most active in warm weather and can often be seen around windows and doors. If you see clover mites inside your home, they may have come in through cracks or openings. To prevent these pests from coming inside, seal any cracks or openings in your home’s exterior.

What Are the Threats Clover Mites Pose?

First of all, let’s make it clear they don’t pose any threat to humans. Their diet tells us that they are not here for our blood and will not bite us. Also, they are not known to spread any disease.

These are nuisance pests and can invade your house in large numbers. They do not cause structural damage but might leave stains on walls, carpets, and furniture when accidentally smashed or crushed.

So we can say that the only things that are in danger due to the presence of clover mites are your belongings.

Because of their tiny size, it becomes very difficult to spot them in the house. They gather in large numbers, especially in sunny locations. Don’t be surprised if there are thousands of mites gathered on your porch as they are known to do so.

They are good at sneaking through small cracks and crevices. They will enter your house through small holes. The size of holes will be so small that you will need to have a magnifying glass to spot them. 

All these factors lead to their invasion and make it tough for homeowners to get rid of them.

what are clover mites
Clover Mites

Preventive Measures

Because of their tiny size, it is difficult to keep them out but not impossible. Below is the list of measures that will not completely seal them out but can be tried to get rid of them up to some extent.

  • If you have mulch around your house, replace it with crushed rock, pea gravel, or some other dry material. For those who want to keep the mulch, you can place it in an area that is not against the foundation or walls.
  • Eliminating moisture is the main thing here. As this moisture draws pests, where they are likely to find entry points.
  • The foundation of your house should be free of moisture. Grass, weed, leaf piles, or other vegetation should not be there around your foundation. A 2-3 foot strip can help you in keeping your foundation dry.
  • The weatherstripping should be there in windows and doors.
  • Inspection should be done at regular intervals. Outside of the foundation, the outer walls should be checked. Look for cracks or holes and seal them immediately upon finding any to avoid the entry of mites or any kind of bugs.

DIY Tips on Protecting your Home from Clover Mites

One of the best ways to prevent clover mites from entering your home is to seal any cracks or openings on the outside of your house. This includes gaps around doors and windows, as well as any cracks in the foundation or siding. You can use caulk or weather stripping to seal these areas.

Once you’ve sealed up any potential entry points, you can focus on getting rid of the clover mites that are already inside your home. Start by vacuuming them up – make sure to empty the vacuum bag right away so they don’t just end up back inside your house. You can also try using a damp cloth to wipe them up – this will kill them on contact.

If you have plants inside your house, check them for clover mites and remove any infested leaves or stems. Outside plants can also harbor clover mites, so it’s important to inspect them regularly and take action if you see any pests.

Following these tips should help you get rid of clover mites and keep them from.


You cannot eliminate clover mites. But by following all the measures that are mentioned above we can at least try to eliminate them up to some extent. Clover mites don’t pose any threats to us but that doesn’t mean we can ignore them.

Try to follow all the measures and evaluate the results. If needed, do not wait for any moment, just call the pest control team.

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I'm Daniel White, and I live in Jacksonville, Florida. The warm and humid climate of Florida gives an ideal habitat for many different kinds of pests. So, if I had to live in Florida, I had to learn how to deal with these pests. Now, I have 7 years of experience in Pest Control.

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