Killing Rats with Dry Ice | Tried & Tested Method to Eliminate Rats

Rats are a risk for humans—they carry and spread diseases and destroy our properties. 

Residents in rural and urban areas have been struggling with rat infestation. They tried different methods in the hope to control the problem of killing rats using dry ice. 

Yes, paying a hundred bucks to exterminate these rats is out of the picture. All you need to do is follow this low-cost and helpful procedure.

Important Note: If you're tired of pests and want a reliable solution, then you should definitely consider seeking help from a professional pest control company. DIY solutions can be effective, but if you're dealing with a significant pest infestation, you don't want to rely solely on DIY methods. Pest control companies typically don't charge huge fees. You can fill out this form to receive free quotes from the top local pest control companies, and compare the quotes and see for yourself. Then, finally, your pest problems will be eliminated for good.

If you’re wondering if this method is worth a try, a crowd of people is already aware of using dry ice as a rat control. And the best part? It has been proven effective!

Say goodbye to your poison and traps! Get rid of rats using dry ice for a quicker, safer, and more humane practice.

Still, our safety comes first! Being aware of the few precautions will avoid further risks.

Find out things you need to know about this method below.

What is Dry Ice?

dry ice for rats

Dry ice is a solidified form of carbon dioxide which means it is a concentrated and frozen form of carbon dioxide.

In appearance, it is colorless and odorless. It is also generally non-flammable, non-toxic, and non-corrosive.

Dry ice is significantly colder than regular ice which can go down to −109.2 °F.

With all these properties that dry ice has, it makes it an effective tool to use for exterminating and controlling rats. Killing rats using dry ice helps for a more healthy living environment.

Precautions When Using Dry Ice

As mentioned, dry ice is much colder than regular ice. To protect yourself, use insulated or heavy and thick gloves when handling dry ice.

Regular or thin gloves will not provide sufficient protection. Not wearing any protection at all is very dangerous since it can cause cold burns and frostbites when handled with bare skin.

Dry ice is a concentrated form of carbon dioxide. Inhaling a large amount of the gas can cause hypercapnia which is a condition of abnormally elevated carbon dioxide levels in the blood and can disrupt your respiratory system.

In addition, it can also cause headaches, nausea, vomiting, and suffocation.

Make sure to work in an open and well-ventilated area when handling dry ice to prevent yourself from suffocating.

When storing, you have to ensure to keep it out of reach of children and pets. You should also not store it in a completely sealed container as it can produce explosive reactions.

If you plan on disposing of it, just leave it in an open environment to melt away. Don’t put water or any other liquid in it as it can react badly.don’t dispose of it in your garbage bins or in the sewer as it can be dangerous for other people.

How to Use Dry Ice to Kill Rats

dry ice for rats

Step I: Identify the Habitat of the Rats

Check your attic, roof, rafters, and the likes in your home where rats are commonly found. May it be Norway rats or roof rats, check all areas thoroughly.

Rats are also burrowers so they tend to build their nests in burrows such as in your garden, vegetation, or even in your basements. In large cities, rats commonly live in sewers, parks, and other parts of the city.

Step II: Seal the Area

Once you’ve identified the area of rat infestation, you can now prepare it for the method. Make sure to seal the area and seclude it tight.

This way, rats have a lesser chance of escape making it more effective in exterminating.

This will also ensure that the gas will spread only inside the area and not diffuse inside your home or anywhere you don’t want it to.

Step III: Put Dry Ice.

Put ample amount of dry-ice inside the burrow, nest, or area that you have sealed tight.

Make sure to wear your insulated gloves when doing this step. You can use a small shovel, scoop, or anything else to put the dry ice to ensure you come less in contact with the ice.

You can put in a scoop or two inside depending on how large or small the area you are working with.

Step IV : Cover the opening

The next thing you have to do is to cover the opening to completely seal it while the rats are inside. Wait for the dry ice to melt which usually takes several minutes or a few hours.

Once the dry ice starts melting, it produces large amounts of gaseous carbon dioxide which, in turn, works to suffocate the rats.

As the carbon dioxide emanates throughout the secluded area, it exterminates the rats in a matter of minutes.

As mentioned earlier, it carries fewer risks compared to using poisons and traps. The reason is that the dry ice method is done in a secluded area where the rats live. This way, children or pets will not accidentally get poisoned or injured.

It is also quicker which can be done in minutes. Whereas using poisons or rat traps can take a while and you have to wait for them to bite into the bait. It is also not that effective since rats don’t always go into the bait. 

On the other hand, using this method has a higher rate of success.

Step V: Repeat the Process (Optional)

Even though the dry ice method is effective for rat control, it is not a sure one-shot process.

Rats can still escape so you might need to start the process from the first step again. You might have to do multiple processes and a series of applications over the course of time.

What’s sure, however, is that you can control and get rid of the rats in your home in no time.

Final Thoughts

Rats are on the rise anywhere in the world. Even though they have a significant role in the ecosystem to maintain balance, their ballooning population can do so much harm to humans.

There are several things that you can do to keep the rats under control including DIY processes like using peppermint oil or baking soda to eliminate them etc.

Also, keep your house and neighborhood clean and free of trash at all times so they don’t feed on them and reproduce.

Failure to control rats will cause a lot of health risks for people. If you have a rat problem in your area, then you might want to try the dry ice method.

Although generally non-toxic, you still have to observe several precautions to protect yourself when doing this method. This includes the handling, storage, and disposal methods.

Make sure to carefully observe these precautions and follow the steps with good diligence and proper care.

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I'm Daniel White, and I live in Jacksonville, Florida. The warm and humid climate of Florida gives an ideal habitat for many different kinds of pests. So, if I had to live in Florida, I had to learn how to deal with these pests. Now, I have 7 years of experience in Pest Control.

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