How Do I Know If My Cat Has Fleas?

You might have observed your cat scratching and biting itself a lot. We understand that watching them in such a situation is not soothing for you.

Have you ever thought about the reason behind this scratching? It can be due to various reasons, including infections, climate change, and flea infestation, which is the most common cause.

So, how can you determine if it is a flea infestation? If there are fleas on your cat, how can you eliminate them and where did they come from?

You will get answers to all the above queries in this article. So let’s jump into the article.

Signs of Fleas on Cats

You need to observe your cat’s behavior and any changes in its pattern to ensure flea infestation. The signs of fleas on cats are given below.

• Cats’ skin itches and irritates all the time.

• Hair loss as a result of excessive itching and biting.

• The presence of bumps and red marks on the skin of your cat.

These signs are indicative of the presence of fleas on your cats. You must examine your cat and its surroundings carefully to confirm the presence of fleas.

Examining Your Cats for Fleas

Now that you have observed the signs of flea infestation, you inspect your cat and its immediate environment to spot fleas. The ways to ensure flea infestation are discussed below.

Inspecting Your Cat’s Skin

You might wonder what fleas look like on cats. Fleas are reddish-brown, flat-shaped insects.

You can use a fine-tooth comb to comb your cat’s fur. If there are fleas on your cat, they will get stuck in the comb.

You can also look for fleas manually by parting the cat’s fur with your fingers. They are mostly found in the armpits and ears because they are warm.

Finding Flea Eggs

Flea eggs are white spherical bodies found on a cat’s body and around it. These shiny structures can be found while vacuuming your home.

Seeking Flea Dirt

Flea dirt is excreta excreted by fleas. It has a black spherical body. It can be found on your cat’s bed and on carpets.

It is similar to normal dirt in appearance. You can differentiate between them by washing them with a few drops of water.

If its color changes to reddish-brown, it is flea dirt. Its presence ensures the presence of fleas in your home.

Once you are sure that there are fleas in your home, you need to take steps to eliminate them.

how do i know if my cat has fleas

Signs Of Flea Bites

Flea bites are a common problem for cats, especially if they spend time outdoors or come into contact with other animals that have fleas. The following are some of the symptoms you may notice if your cat has been bitten by fleas:

Redness and inflammation

Flea bites can cause redness, swelling, and irritation on the skin where the bite occurred. This is usually the first sign of a flea infestation.


The bites can also cause your cat to itch, which can be very uncomfortable and can cause your cat to scratch excessively.

Hair loss

Over time, excessive scratching can lead to hair loss in the affected area.

Scabs and crusts

In severe cases, your cat may develop scabs and crusts on the skin due to constant scratching and biting.

Flea allergy dermatitis

Some cats are allergic to flea bites and may develop a condition called flea allergy dermatitis. This can cause severe itching, hair loss, and skin infections.

How Do I Know If My Cat Has Fleas?

Causes of Flea Infestation

You must now be curious to know how your cat acquired these fleas. If you believe that your cat is indoors, so it won’t get attacked by fleas, then you are wrong.

Cats can get fleas from other cats with whom they play. It can also get fleas from the rats roaming in your home.

The cat can get fleas even from a vet visit. A vet treats a lot of cats with fleas on their bodies. It makes their workplace a potential flea residence.

Therefore, you should bathe your cats whenever they come from outside. Also, use a fine-tooth comb to comb their fur to remove fleas.

There might be fleas in your garden or lawn, and your cat may acquire fleas from there. Thus, it is recommended that you clean your house regularly.

Eliminating Fleas From Cats

You might wonder what the need for eliminating fleas from cats is. You must get rid of fleas as soon as possible because they can cause skin allergies and irritation in cats, and even anemia in kittens.

You can use several products to remove fleas from your cat depending on the requirements and your convenience. The simplest way is to use a comb.

You can also use salt to kill fleas. All you have to do is to take crushed salt and sprinkle it everywhere in your home. Salt will kill adult fleas and their eggs by dehydrating them.

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most effective products against fleas. You have to take 2 parts of water and mix them with one part of vinegar to make a spray solution.

You should spray it everywhere in your home, including cracks and corners, to repel fleas from your home. You can also spray it on your cat after diluting it even more.

Planting trees like peppermint and lavender in your garden creates an extra layer of protection from fleas. If the flea population is massive and you are unable to remove them on your own, take your cat to the vet.

Final Words

Fleas are miniature creatures, but they can cause severe health issues. So, do not ignore their presence and take the required steps as soon as possible.

Contact a vet if you are unable to remove fleas on your own. We hope that you got the desired information about spotting and eliminating fleas from cats in this article.

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I'm Daniel White, and I live in Jacksonville, Florida. The warm and humid climate of Florida gives an ideal habitat for many different kinds of pests. So, if I had to live in Florida, I had to learn how to deal with these pests. Now, I have 7 years of experience in Pest Control.

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