How Do Rats Get in the Attic? Find Out More About Rats in the Attic

The attic might be the less accessible part of your house, but it also has the items you hide from people’s sight.

What if rats are in your attic together with your hidden pieces of stuff up there?

Now you feel disgusted and irritated, do you?

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Rats can genuinely be annoying, and they can cause damage to our things. Given that an attic has no visitors, they can roam freely and eat up whatever they want.

Do you want this to continue? I know you don’t.

Hence, we should know how they got up there and how the rats got in your attic.

Ready? Let’s go!

How Rats Get in the Attic

How Do Rats Get in the Attic?

Rats are attracted to warmth, and they seek shelter as well. They tend to live in areas where humans don’t access them; hence, they go to tight and quiet corners to live their lives. However, how do rats genuinely get inside?

There is an excellent chance that rats chewed on woods to make a hole to get through your attic, or your attic has small spaces where rats can access getting in.

In fact, rats have several ways to get in various plays, so they have made several ways to get in your attic as well.

Since rats are pesky, they try to chew on everything to have something to eat, and they can also chew on things that help them make a way to getting places.

What Damage Can Rats Do in the Attic?

Rats can do massive damage in the attic. Especially if you have your cardboard boxes, stored clothes, tools, woods, and anything you have in store, these will be accessed by rats in no time so they can make a living.

Rats are good climbers and can chew almost anything except those non-chewable items like metals, rocks, and many more.

Rats can cause several damages, including damaged wires, chewed insulation lines, scratches on the walls and floor of the attic, bringing unnecessary food up there, and they can even leave their droppings on the floor, which can cause multiple bacteria and dirt.

They can also chew on your favorite old clothes, leaving you saddened and frustrated once you find out.

Rats in the Attic

How to Get Rid of Rats in the Attic

To get rid of the rats in the attic, you can follow these simple steps (so long as the infestation is still bearable).

  • Inspect your attic. You have to make sure you can locate their entries and know what items they have chewed and gnawed on. This way, you can get rid of the things you cannot use because of the rat’s damage.
  • Clean up your attic. Rats carry random food remains, items and even leave their droppings on the floor, and you have to get rid of those items to ensure you won’t carry diseases and bacteria once you go down the attic.
  • Check for the holes and entries. Once you find those entrances, seal those places with steel, metal or even replace the broken parts to ensure rats won’t go in.
  • You can also seal the areas with duct tape; however, that is only a temporary solution because rats can easily chew on tapes.
  • Put mouse traps in the attic. You can lure them with cheese or any other food in the mousetrap so long as it is a small one. Ensure you have multiple mouse traps in the attic to catch them all. You can also use a sticky mouse trap for the pups.
  • Get rid of all the things the mice chewed on. If you cannot, make sure to rewash those items so you can get rid of the possible specks of dirt and diseases they have carried.

Final Words

Now you know how rats got in your attic, it is time to check up and clean up your area to ensure they won’t live in the same habitat as they have before.

Rats are devastating, especially when you find out they damaged a lot of things in the house, so it will be a lot better to get rid of them with some simple ways you can conduct.

If rat infestation is severe, it is best to call pest control because you don’t want the rats to move around your home and discover more places they want to hide. 

Always prepare rat elimination items to keep your home rodent-free.

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I'm Daniel White, and I live in Jacksonville, Florida. The warm and humid climate of Florida gives an ideal habitat for many different kinds of pests. So, if I had to live in Florida, I had to learn how to deal with these pests. Now, I have 7 years of experience in Pest Control.

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