How to Use Peppermint Oil to Repel Wasps: Aromatic Repellent

As the weather warms up, so do the number of pesky wasps buzzing around our outdoor spaces. These stinging insects can quickly become a nuisance, especially when trying to enjoy a meal or relax outside.

While there are many commercial products available to control wasp populations, they often contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful to the environment and our health.

Fortunately, there’s a natural solution that’s just as effective: peppermint oil. Not only does this aromatic oil have a pleasant scent, but it’s also a powerful wasp deterrent.

Important Note: If you're tired of pests and want a reliable solution, then you should definitely consider seeking help from a professional pest control company. DIY solutions can be effective, but if you're dealing with a significant pest infestation, you don't want to rely solely on DIY methods. Pest control companies typically don't charge huge fees. You can fill out this form to receive free quotes from the top local pest control companies, and compare the quotes and see for yourself. Then, finally, your pest problems will be eliminated for good.

In this article, we’ll explore how peppermint oil works to repel wasps and how to use it effectively to keep these buzzing pests at bay.

Does Peppermint Oil Repel Wasps?

Peppermint oil is known to have a strong scent that can repel wasps and other insects. The oil contains compounds that are toxic to wasps, and its strong odor can also disrupt their ability to locate food sources or communicate with each other.

how long will peppermint oil keep wasps away

Ways to Use Peppermint Oil for Wasp Control

Peppermint Oil Wasp Spray


  • 30 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • 2 cups (500ml) of water
  • 2 tablespoons of dish soap or shampoo
  • A spray bottle


  1. Fill the spray bottle with 2 cups (500ml) of water.
  2. Add 30 drops of peppermint essential oil to the water.
  3. Add 2 tablespoons of dish soap or shampoo to the mixture. This helps the solution stick to the wasps and their nests.
  4. Close the spray bottle and shake it well to mix the ingredients.
  5. Spray the solution directly onto the wasps, their nests, and around areas where they usually gather.

Note: Be cautious when dealing with wasps, as they can be aggressive when disturbed. It is best to perform the treatment at night when the wasps are less active.

Also, wear protective clothing and keep a safe distance from the wasp nests while spraying the solution.

peppermint oil wasp spray recipe

Peppermint Oil Pads


  • Peppermint essential oil
  • Cotton pads or cloth


  1. Choose a high-quality peppermint essential oil that is safe for topical use.
  2. Take cotton pads or cloth and cut them into small pieces that are large enough to soak up the oil, but not so large that they will be difficult to handle.
  3. Put a few drops of peppermint oil on each cotton pad or cloth, making sure to saturate them completely.
  4. Place the pads or cloths in areas where wasps are commonly found, such as near doors, windows, or outdoor seating areas.
  5. Replace the pads or cloths every few days or as needed, as the scent of the peppermint oil will dissipate over time.

Precautions To Be Taken

When dealing with wasps on your own, and planning to get rid of them yourself with the peppermint oil spray, make sure to follow these precautions to avoid any harm,

  • Wear fully covered clothes and makes sure you have sufficient protective gear to save yourself from wasps.
  • Keep the doors and windows of your house shut to avoid the wasps entering your house from there.
  • Keep children away at some safe place to avoid them being the suffered from wasp stings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do wasps hate peppermint oil?

Yes, wasps do hate peppermint oil. Peppermint oil contains menthol, which is known for its insecticidal properties and acts as a natural repellent for wasps and other insects.

When they detect the scent of peppermint oil, they tend to avoid the area as they perceive it as a threat or danger. 

Why do wasps hate peppermint oil?

Wasps dislike peppermint oil because it has a strong and pungent smell that they find offensive.

Peppermint oil contains menthol, which is known for its insecticidal properties and acts as a natural repellent for wasps and other insects.

The scent of peppermint oil is particularly offensive to wasps due to their highly sensitive sense of smell. 

How often to spray peppermint oil on wasps?

To repel wasps with peppermint oil, spray every few days until activity decreases. This can take weeks, depending on the infestation severity.

Then, spray once a week to maintain the repellent effect. Consistency is key, and factors like concentration, area size, and activity level can impact spraying frequency.

How Long Will Peppermint Oil Keep Wasps Away?

Peppermint oil can keep wasps away for a few days after being sprayed.

It is recommended to spray the mixture every few days until you see a reduction in wasp activity.

Once you notice a reduction, you may be able to spray the peppermint oil mixture once a week to maintain the repellent effect. 

Which essential oils are wasp repellent?

Several essential oils have been found to be effective at repelling wasps, including peppermint oil, clove oil, geranium oil, lemongrass oil, and citronella oil.

These oils contain compounds that have a strong scent that can be unpleasant for wasps, and may also have insecticidal properties that can help deter them.

how often to spray peppermint oil on wasps


Essential oils can be a natural and effective way to repel wasps without the use of harmful chemicals.

Peppermint oil, clove oil, geranium oil, lemongrass oil, and citronella oil are all great options to consider.

Although essential oils are often recommended as a natural and safe option, they may not be as reliable in repelling wasps.

Instead of using essential oils, you may also want to try bleach as an effective home remedy to control wasps.

Enjoy a pest-free summer. Thank you for reading…!

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I'm Daniel White, and I live in Jacksonville, Florida. The warm and humid climate of Florida gives an ideal habitat for many different kinds of pests. So, if I had to live in Florida, I had to learn how to deal with these pests. Now, I have 7 years of experience in Pest Control.

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