Ultimate Guide to Safely Remove Hornets Nests from Trees

In case you ever found a hornet’s nest in a tree, you know how bad things can get. 

Hornets are not only frightening, but they can also be dangerous to your safety and well-being.   

Trying to remove a hornet’s nest without proper knowledge and equipment can be a recipe for disaster. 

Important Note: If you're tired of pests and want a reliable solution, then you should definitely consider seeking help from a professional pest control company. DIY solutions can be effective, but if you're dealing with a significant pest infestation, you don't want to rely solely on DIY methods. Pest control companies typically don't charge huge fees. You can fill out this form to receive free quotes from the top local pest control companies, and compare the quotes and see for yourself. Then, finally, your pest problems will be eliminated for good.

However, fear not! However, do not worry! If you take the right procedures, you will be able to effectively and securely eliminate a hornet’s nest from a tree without hurting yourself or others.

This comprehensive tutorial will walk you through every stage of removing a hornet’s nest from a tree, including determining the type of hornet to use protective clothing.   

Let’s dive in and learn how to tackle this task with confidence!

What Does a Hornet’s Nest Look Like?

Hornet nests on trees are typically round or oval-shaped and made of papery material produced by the hornets. They range in size and color and are attached to a tree branch or trunk by a stalk. They can be hidden inside a tree cavity. 

what does a hornets nest look like

How to Remove a Hornet’s Nest from a Tree?

Depending on the degree of severity and measurement of the nest, there are numerous options to eliminate a hornet’s nest from a tree. Here are a couple of things you can do

Select an Acceptable Time 

It is best to deconstruct a hornet’s nest in the early hours of the day or late in the evening when the hornets are not as active.

Put on Protective Clothes 

Wear safeguarding gear such as long-sleeved garments such as trousers, gloves, and a face shield before trying to remove the nest.

Observe the Nest

Take a look at the nest and try to locate the entrance hole. Hornets usually build their nests on the underside of the structure, so make sure to look up.

Spray the Nest 

Stand several feet away from the nest and use an insecticide spray that is specifically designed to kill wasps and hornets.

Spray directly into the opening of the nest, making sure to saturate it completely.

Try to avoid shaking or disturbing the nest while spraying, hold the can upright and soak the nest completely. 

Wait for Nightfall 

If the hornet colony is still active after spraying, wait until nightfall when the hornets are less active to remove the nest.

Remove the Nest

Gently pull the nest from the tree and seal it in a bag. You can leave the bag in the sunlight or freeze it to kill any remaining hornets.

If the nest is too huge to remove manually or you are uncomfortable doing it, it is better to reach out to an expert in pest control who’s got the necessary tools and knowledge to securely remove the nest.

how to remove a hornets nest from a tree

How to Prevent Hornets from Building Nests On a Tree?

Preventing hornets from building nests on a tree requires taking a proactive approach to keep them away from the area.

Here are some ways to prevent hornet nests from forming on a tree

Keep the Area Clean

Remove any fallen fruit or debris from around the base of the tree, as this can attract insects that hornets feed on.

Use Essential Oils

Hornets hate the smell of certain essential oils, such as clove, lemongrass, and geranium. You can mix these oils with water in a spray bottle and spray the tree to keep them away.

Hang Fake Nests

Some people hang fake hornet nests near the tree to deter hornets from building their own. This is because hornets are territorial and will not build their nest near another one.

Seal Entry Points

Check the tree for any holes or gaps where hornets could enter and seal them up with caulk or another appropriate material.

Hire a Professional 

It is best to engage a qualified exterminator to treat the area and stop further infestations if you have experienced hornet difficulties in the past.

You may limit the chances of hornets making nests on branches by taking these preventative measures, minimizing the risk of stings and other potential risks for you and your family.

how to prevent hornets from building nests on tree

Frequently Asked Questions

Are all hornet nests on trees dangerous?

The sort of hornet, the exact location of the nest, and the extent of the hive can all have an impact on how hazardous they are. 

For example, bald-faced hornets can be particularly aggressive if their nest is threatened and can sting multiple times without harm to themselves.

Is it safe to remove a hornet’s nest myself?

Regardless of whether you are allergic to hornet stings or not, removing a nest of hornets on your own can be deadly. 

Hornets are aggressive and will defend their nests, and disturbing a nest or killing a hornet near the nest can trigger an attack. 

When the hornet’s nest is tiny and easily reachable, you may be able safely to eliminate it yourself with pesticide spray or other means. 

But When the nest is bigger than the size of a tennis ball or in a difficult-to-reach location, an expert exterminator should be called in.

How do I know if the hornet’s nest on my tree is active?

Look for evidence of hornet presence, such as hornets hovering close to the nest or going in and out of it, in addition to buzzing or humming sounds originating from the nest, to identify if a hornet’s nest on the trunk is active.  

The nest size may also increase over time if the hornets are actively building and expanding it. 

Furthermore, hornets tend to be busy throughout the day, as well as in the heat of the summer and initial autumn seasons.

is it safe to remove hornets nest myself


If you spot a hornet buzzing around your home or surroundings, rather than panicking, try to keep calm and stay steady. 

How wasps and hornets can build their nests on trees it’s fascinating, and trying to get rid of the hornet’s problem yourself can bring about being stung since these bugs are defensive of their nests. 

However, you can contact a pest control specialist to assist in getting rid of hornets from the area, including hornet nests on trees. 

A local pest control specialist will have the necessary tools and machines to securely and successfully eliminate these stinging garden bugs and their nest. 

Remember to always prioritize your safety and seek professional help when dealing with hornet’s nests.

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I'm Daniel White, and I live in Jacksonville, Florida. The warm and humid climate of Florida gives an ideal habitat for many different kinds of pests. So, if I had to live in Florida, I had to learn how to deal with these pests. Now, I have 7 years of experience in Pest Control.

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