What Fish Eat Mosquito Larvae? Fishes & Mosquito Larvae


Just by the name, we already know how disrupting and deteriorating they are to our surroundings, especially to our health.

Mosquitoes can carry various diseases since they are vectors, and we do not want to have them around.

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They can even cause dengue to the people, leading to death!

However, what if we tell you that fishes eat mosquito larvae?

It will reduce the number of mosquitoes quickly with the help of the fish, but we need to know what type of fish eat mosquito larvae! 

We will discuss the fishes which eat mosquito larvae and learn more about their nature.

Do any fish eat mosquito larvae?

What Type of Fish Eats Mosquito Larvae?

Many fishes prey for mosquito larvae, and here are the following:

Mosquito Fish

Just from the name itself, a mosquito fish is one of the natural enemies of mosquito larvae and is one of the top predators.

If you have mosquito larvae issues in your lake or pond, and you have the mosquito fish around, most probably they will be your pest control because a mosquito fish can eat a hundred mosquito larvae eggs a day.

A mosquito fish is around an inch to 1 1/2-inches big. Yes, it might not be that large, but a single mosquito fish can deal with multiple mosquito larvae in a day.


Guppies are adorable when you see them in the aquarium because of their unique colors, but you will be amazed because they eat mosquito larvae, too!

Guppies are like mosquito fish since they have a good appetite for mosquito larvae.

If you have a small pond or an aquarium, you should put guppies to help you control mosquitoes around the house, plus their exciting colors will also make your aquarium a lot more beautiful.

They do not grow bigger than 2-inches because guppies are small fishes, and they are species of freshwater, tropical fish.


Goldfish can almost be seen everywhere, even as prizes or part of the show, even in carnivals.

They have a beautiful structure with extravagant tails and color scheme, and these fishes eat mosquito larvae as well.

If you tend to put the goldfish in an aquarium, its size can be maintained around 1-2 inches and won’t ever grow larger than 6-inches. 

However, a wild goldfish can grow up to 14-inches in length outside the aquarium.

Goldfish prefer still water for swallowing mosquito larvae, and they can even survive in cold water, along with the fishes that belong there.


Minnows are tiny fishes with an average length of 6 cm, but they can also eat mosquito larvae despite their size!

Minnows are among the most common baitfish by anglers, but these fishes can help control mosquito issues in your home.

They successfully control the multiplication of mosquitoes, but you need to be careful with these fishes if you want them to eat mosquito larvae because they are subject to predation in lakes or ponds by larger fishes.

If you want to have minnows in your place for mosquito control, make sure to put them together with the small fishes only because larger fishes may eat them eventually.

What Eats Mosquito Larvae?


Koi fishes are one of the most expensive fishes in the world, and they are bred because of their vivid colors and patterns, along with their beautiful body structure that attracts most fish owners. 

These fishes can grow up to three feet long, and once you put them inside your home, make sure you have a designated area to ensure they have enough space to move around.

Koi fishes are not that well-adapted to seeking mosquito larvae because they are big fishes and will not actively seek larvae.

However, if mosquito larvae pass by their sight, they will eat the larvae, an excellent way to control mosquitoes.

Final Words

Many fish feed on mosquito larvae, and the mentioned fish species above are just among the several.

Mosquitoes can damage our surroundings because they can bring diseases that can lead to serious illness, significantly that they quickly multiply in no time.

But with the help of mosquito larvae eating fishes, we can reduce the number of mosquitoes if we stock and maintain fishes that eat mosquito larvae.

Always make sure to keep your area healthy and keep the water to where you store the fishes moving because stagnant water attracts mosquitoes to lay their eggs and stay for a while.

Also, if you want to get rid of mosquitoes from your car, check out this article!

We hope you have a mosquito-free life!

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I'm Daniel White, and I live in Jacksonville, Florida. The warm and humid climate of Florida gives an ideal habitat for many different kinds of pests. So, if I had to live in Florida, I had to learn how to deal with these pests. Now, I have 7 years of experience in Pest Control.

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