Do Termites Make Noise?

Don’t be afraid when you hear noises from your walls, especially at night. Instead of a supernatural element, it could be just a termite infestation… 

Some of the homeowners often ask whether termites can make noise. Well, the answer is yes. They do make noise.

Is the noise audible? If yes, then up to what extent?

What makes them create noise?

All these questions will be answered in this article, so stick with us till the end!

Is the noise audible?

Do Termites Make Noise?

Being a small creature, it is not that easy to hear termites’ noise. But there is a way that has made it possible for us to hear the noise. All we need is a stethoscope or specialised equipment.

It is not possible to hear a single termite’s noise but if there is an infestation, the noises will be loud and it can be heard. The more the number of termites, the louder the sound will be.

Also, there is a specific sound they make when they are threatened, that can be easily distinguished and heard by humans. 

We will get to know about that specific sound and many others along with it later in this article.

When do they make sounds?

Termites prefer darkness, so is it possible that they make noise at night only? The answer is no. It doesn’t matter whether it’s day or night they continuously create sounds.

Although the night is suitably the best time to hear termites noise as the house remains quiet during that time.

Kind of sounds Termites create

Termites Noise is Audible?

We will first discuss the three common sounds and then will move on to some other sounds. The three common Termite sounds are:

  • Dry Rattle– Termites when threatened or disturbed create a dry rattling that is audible to our ears. They bang their head against the walls of tunnels they are present in, which results in this kind of sound.

Though we can hear termites’ noise, the same is not the case for them, they only feel vibrations.

This is the loudest and strongest sound termites create. Kind of an alert signal. Whenever they find a source of food or sense danger, they alert their colonies. It’s like beating a drum.

  • Papery Rustling– This sound comes when Drywood termites move through the tunnel.
  • Hollow Sounding Wood– While tapping on wood, if it produces a hollow sound then it is pretty sure termites had eaten through the wood.

The first two sounds are created by the physical movement of termites while the third one is the result of termites feeding action.

Some other sounds are as follows:

  • Termites chew a lot. Their non-stop chewing while going through the tunnel creates a soft chewing and crunching sound.
  • We have heard various kinds of noises of pests which are sometimes irregular or occasional. Termites on the other side create a continuous buzzing sound. 
  • Whenever they swarm in spring, they create a light buzzing sound while flying. We can call it similar to that of sound made by the wings of insects while they fly. 


If you are thinking that with the help of sounds you can find out the infestation of termites then it is not the best way.

Termites noises are very quiet and we will need scientific equipment to hear them. Also, many sounds they create can be of other pests too like the tapping sound they create while banging their heads.

Although, the hollow sound can be helpful as it is the most reliable sound for detecting termites damage.

But if you are looking for termites it’s better to call a professional termite inspection team to check whether the sounds are coming from termites or not.

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I'm Daniel White, and I live in Jacksonville, Florida. The warm and humid climate of Florida gives an ideal habitat for many different kinds of pests. So, if I had to live in Florida, I had to learn how to deal with these pests. Now, I have 7 years of experience in Pest Control.

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