Flea Treatment For Puppies Under 12 Months

You love your puppies, don’t you? We know that watching them in uncomfortable conditions due to flea bites is not something you love to witness.

Fleas are tiny stubborn parasites, and getting rid of them is difficult. But with proper efforts in the correct direction, you can get rid of fleas from the fur of your beloved puppies and your home.

We will discuss the ways of spotting fleas on puppies, different methods of flea removal from them, and the precautions that you need to take while treating fleas on puppies.

Important Note: If you're tired of pests and want a reliable solution, then you should definitely consider seeking help from a professional pest control company. DIY solutions can be effective, but if you're dealing with a significant pest infestation, you don't want to rely solely on DIY methods. Pest control companies typically don't charge huge fees. You can fill out this form to receive free quotes from the top local pest control companies, and compare the quotes and see for yourself. Then, finally, your pest problems will be eliminated for good.

How to Spot Fleas on Puppies?

Whenever you observe your puppy biting and scratching itself, your first prediction might be the presence of fleas. But it is not always the case. 

The itching is caused due to various factors that include any specific product like shampoo or oil, weather conditions, flea bites, and several other reasons.

Therefore, the first step in flea removal is confirming that the skin irritation and itching in your puppies are due to fleabites. The most convenient way to ensure flea infestation is using a fine-tooth comb.

You can also try to look for fleas manually by inspecting the skin of your puppy. Fleas are tiny reddish-brown insects. You can find them in the armpits of your puppies conveniently because they reside there due to warm living conditions.

You can also check for flea dirt on your pet’s bed and carpets. It falls from the body of your puppies. Flea dirt appears as a small black spherical body and is nothing but waste excreted by fleas. 

You can differentiate between dirt and flea dirt by washing the black dirt. If its color changes to reddish-brown, it is flea dirt. You can also try to find tiny white round structures. These structures are flea eggs.

The presence of one or all of the above structures will confirm the presence of fleas in your home.

You can also prepare a flea trap by placing a bowl filled with viscous soapy water near a light source at night. Fleas are attracted to light sources and will fall into the trap.

All these methods will help you to ensure that there are fleas in your home and on your puppies. You might think, why is it so necessary to kill fleas?

Eliminating fleas is necessary because they are the causative agents of several diseases like Murine typhus, Tularemia, Tungiasis, and even a pandemic like the Bubonic Plague.

So, it is best to prevent your home and puppies from flea infestation than to repent later. Do not procrastinate in the removal of fleas.

How to Spot Fleas on Puppies?

Flea Treatment for Puppies

Once you are sure that the itching is due to the presence and bites of fleas, the next obvious step is the elimination of these annoying parasites.

The methods and products used for the removal of fleas from puppies are different from those used for adult dogs. It is also different for newborns and slightly older puppies.

So, we have discussed the ways of flea control for puppies under eight weeks and for puppies older than them separately.

Flea Treatment for Puppies Under 8 Weeks

The newborn puppies are most likely to acquire anemia due to blood loss caused by fleabites. Thus, it becomes all the more important to take the required steps to eliminate fleas from puppies under 8 weeks.

Puppies get fleas either from their mother or from their surroundings. Identifying the root cause of flea infestation can help you to take the required steps quickly.

If your dog has fleas and your puppy can get them from there, it is advised to eliminate fleas from both puppy and dog. You can use home remedies for fleas to remove them from adult dogs.

These puppies have far more sensitive skin than dogs, and thus, it is not advisable to use any commercial product on them. It is best to use a comb gently to eliminate fleas.

It is not suggested to use any shampoo or oil for flea removal from your puppies without consulting a vet. You can plant some plants like peppermint or lavender in your yard to stop fleas from coming into your home.

Other steps that you can take care ensuring the cleanliness of your puppy and its surroundings. Take your puppy to a vet if the flea population is large and needs urgent attention.

Flea Treatment for Puppies Older Than 8 Weeks

Flea Treatment for Puppies

These puppies have a relatively stronger immune system and tolerance towards chemicals. But still do not use harsh concentrated chemicals.

A lot of flea-repelling products like flea collars, sprays, shampoos, and many more are available in the market for 8 weeks and older puppies. 

You might wonder what would happen if you put a flea collar on a puppy under 12 weeks. Well, it repels fleas usually due to its smell. But it is not advisable to use it for puppies under 7 weeks. 

The most popular flea collar is Seresto, Flea Collar. It is effective against fleas for 8 months, and thus, it is a very useful product for puppies. 

Similarly, there are a few shampoos that can be used for bathing puppies. Usually, the shampoos are meant to be used for puppies older than 12 weeks. Read the instructions and then use them.

Always lather soap or shampoo in the neck region first and then apply it to the body. This step is necessary to ensure that fleas do not move in the face region. Also, do not apply shampoo to the face of your puppy.

You can also use Capstar which is an effective oral treatment for flea control. Do not use it without a prescription.

If you have a pregnant dog that has fleas, use natural and safer products after paying a visit to the vet. Clean your home regularly to stop the population growth of fleas.


  • Never use any commercial product containing harmful chemicals on your puppies, especially on the ones who are younger than 8 weeks.
  • Make sure to visit a vet even before using natural products like essential oils and vinegar. They are not always the best product to use as they can cause allergies.
  • Never take a flea infestation lightly. The estimates suggest that there are 100 fleas per flea observed in your home. Therefore, try to get rid of them as soon as possible to avoid further problems.
  • Consult a vet before using any flea-repellent shampoo. 
  • Bathe your puppies regularly and comb their fur daily. Also, clean your home more often to eliminate fleas hiding beneath the carpets and in crevices.
  • Always use standard and quality products for bathing your puppies, like shampoo for puppies under 12 months.
  • Always lather the neck area of your puppy first and then wash other regions. 
Flea Treatment for Puppies

Final Words

Puppies have sensitive skin and are more prone to skin infections and allergic reactions. So be careful and read the description of the product before using it.

If you feel that the flea population is large and uncontrollable for you, pay a visit to the vet. Also, contact a vet if your puppy experiences allergies due to any flea repellents.

Now that you are well informed about the ways of remove of fleas from your little furry friends, we hope that you apply these methods and get rid of fleas as soon as possible.

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I'm Daniel White, and I live in Jacksonville, Florida. The warm and humid climate of Florida gives an ideal habitat for many different kinds of pests. So, if I had to live in Florida, I had to learn how to deal with these pests. Now, I have 7 years of experience in Pest Control.

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