How To Get Rid Of Spider Eggs?

You may be sitting in your living room when you look up to see two brown sacs suspended from the ceiling, seemingly taunting you. 

Anything else wouldn’t be quite as frightening, but these brown sacs aren’t just any old thing—they’re spider eggs. If you bump them or mishandle them in any way, the sac may start raining spiders on you, which isn’t fun.

Spiders stray inside the house on occasion, which is a nuisance, but when they start depositing spider eggs, it becomes a major problem. In this article, we will go through how you can clear out spider eggs. To know more, read ahead!

What Do Spider Eggs Look Like?

Spider eggs deposited by spiders can quickly turn into a major nuisance when the eggs hatch and an infestation of juvenile spiders emerge.

The number of spider eggs in a spider egg sac can range from a few to more than 150 to 300 eggs, depending on the kind of spider (black widow, brown recluse, etc.). 

As a result, it’s critical to take steps to remove spider eggs from your home before they hatch and you end up with a spider infestation.

Before you can devise a treatment strategy, you must first determine whether you are dealing with spider eggs. If you’re wondering what spider eggs look like, keep in mind the following characteristics to help you correctly identify spider eggs.

  1. Spider eggs are extremely minute, making them difficult to detect with the human eye. When they’re clumped together, however, they’re easier to spot. Mostly because spider eggs are normally contained in an egg sac created by an adult female spider.
  1. The color of spider egg sacs varies from pale to dark brown to light to dark gray. They can even be cream-white in appearance. The web spun by the mother forms the sacs that surround the eggs. Because they are spun so frequently, they appear dark, opaque, and incredibly spherical.
  1. When these spider eggs hatch, hundreds upon dozens of little spiderlings are released. These newly hatched spiders are pallid and travel at an alarmingly quick pace. When it comes to the sac, some of them are guarded by their mother, while others are left to their own devices.
  1. These spiderlings mature and molt until they are sexually mature, at which point they seek out the other gender to deposit new eggs. This means that if we don’t get rid of the spider eggs in our home, we’re encouraging them to multiply.

Once you’re certain you’re dealing with spider eggs, conduct an inspection to see where they’re hiding and how serious the problem is. Because spider eggs are so minute, inspecting them might be difficult, but there are some key sites where they can be found and treated.

Inspecting Locations

The spider egg sac can be located in a variety of locations depending on the spider species. Some can be found on the underside of leaves in your yard, stuck to tree branches outside, in a burrow, or on your home’s eave. 

They can be located in hidden or seldom-visited regions of the house, such as the attic, garage, or basement.

What to Watch Out For?

You’re looking for spider webs with little cream-colored egg sacs that are spherical or oblong in shape.

After you’ve found the spider egg sacs and webs, you can begin treatment. Using home treatments to get rid of spider eggs isn’t always adequate. 

When this happens, it’s a good idea to look into professional-grade products. We recommend wiping away and destroying spider webs and spider eggs using a duster, as well as spraying a product called Web Out.

How To Remove Spider Eggs?

Step 1: Using a Spider Cobb-Web Head Duster and a Pole

If the spider egg sac is in a difficult-to-reach location, use a duster head like the Cobb Webb Duster Head to clear away the egg sac and any extra cobwebs.

Cobb Webb Duster heads have microscopic nylon bristles on their heads that are specifically designed to remove cobwebs and spider eggs. Is the distance between the spider eggs and the duster head still too great? The threaded end of the Webb duster head can be used to attach an extension pole.

Wipe the regions where the spider egg sacs are present, such as high riders, ceiling corners, and similar spots, with the Cobb Webb Duster head. After collecting the spider eggs, simply rub the duster on some grass to remove them.

Step 2: Using Web Out, Spray the Spider Eggs Away

You might use an insecticide as a spider spray to get rid of the spider egg sac and the hundreds of unborn spiders within for a more lasting solution. Web Out is a spider spray that you can spray directly on the spider egg sac or spider web, and its formula will quickly break down the spider eggs and materials, killing spiders.

To use, first give the product a good shake. The application is simple if you purchased the 32 oz. ready-to-use spray container. Simply spray and shoot where spiders are found or where spider webs and spider eggs have been discovered. 

Spiders, their eggs, and their egg sacs that come into touch with the product should perish within minutes. Then, with the Cobb Webb, sweep and wipe away the spider remnants before discarding them.

Step 3: Spray Supreme IT

You can apply Supreme IT insecticide for a more long-term method to control spiders and their eggs. This is a pesticide that kills a wide range of pests in the home, including spiders. The nicest part is that an application might last anywhere between 30 and 90 days.

Simply combine the necessary stated amount of Supreme IT with water in a tank sprayer and spray immediately where the spider eggs and webbing have been discovered. 

A normal spot treatment for 1,000 sq. ft. will be 1 to 2 oz per gallon of water. Spray along your home’s eaves, corners, doors and windows, and entrance spots.


You must ensure that spiders and their spider eggs do not re-infest your home once they have been removed. Take the following precautions if you don’t want to deal with spider eggs in the first place:

  1. Remove any logs and firewood from your home. Keep your lawn tidy by raking away dried leaves and organic debris. Additionally, keep your yard in good shape by trimming overgrown foliage on a regular basis.
  1. Remove excess heaps of old papers, newspapers, cardboard boxes, bags, and other items from the property to reduce clutter.
  1. Make sure the basement and foundation cracks are sealed with caulk.
  1. Replace ordinary lights with high-pressure sodium vapor or halogen lights if your home is frequently attacked by spiders. At night, lights attract insects; as long as it is safe, keep the lights turned off or position them farther away from the door so that they illuminate the door and porches area.
  1. Spray a preventative treatment of Supreme IT around the perimeter of the house and in areas where you’ve noticed spider egg sacs to keep spiders away.


Spiders are pesky creatures. Imagine that on top of having many spiders crawling inside your house, there are a plethora of spider eggs. The thought itself is frightening. 

We hope you will implement all the techniques that we have provided in this article and get rid of these arachnids for good! 

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I'm Daniel White, and I live in Jacksonville, Florida. The warm and humid climate of Florida gives an ideal habitat for many different kinds of pests. So, if I had to live in Florida, I had to learn how to deal with these pests. Now, I have 7 years of experience in Pest Control.

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