Hobo Spiders: Facts & Common Questions

The hobo spider gets its name from the fact that it is thought to have spread its range by hitching rides on humans along major roads in the Pacific Northwest. 

The hobo spider, for example, was introduced from Europe in the 1930s and has subsequently established itself in at least six states, displacing many native spider species in the process. 

Through this article, we are going to mention some facts as well as answer some of your common queries regarding Hobo Spiders.

Facts About Hobo Spiders

Name – Because European hobo spiders have not acclimated to live in houses, their name “Tegenaria agresti” may have been mistranslated as “aggressive.” The correct translation is “of the fields.”

Location – Washington, Oregon, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Montana, and the Pacific Northwest are the most common locations.

Size – Females are around half an inch (11-14 mm) long whereas male hobo spiders are between 8 to 11 mm long. 

Color – Brown

Hobo Spider: Identification

Western hobo spiders are non-native to North America and are named from their European origins and ability to move quickly. Hobo spiders are venomous house spiders that were mistakenly brought to the United States in the 1980s as a result of commercial shipping of European items to the Northwestern United States.

Hobo spiders are funnel weaving spiders, although they are not the same as the Australian funnel-web spiders. Hobo spiders create horizontal layers of entangled silk strands that act as nests, detection devices, and traps for possible victims. 

Hobo spiders are the subject of a lot of debate, from their similarities to Australian web funnel weavers to their misidentification as brown recluse spiders or wolf spiders.

Behavior of Hobo Spiders

Hobo spiders create funnel-shaped webs in dark, moist areas such as basements and crawl spaces. Hobo spiders prey on a variety of insects and other spiders, and they wait in their webs to assault and consume prey at the narrow end of their webs. 

Hobo spiders, despite their reputation as violent house spiders, attack only when provoked or threatened. Hobo spiders bite to defend their egg sacs because they are incredibly protective. Most people who are bitten by hobo spiders unintentionally come upon them in dark places.

Bites from a Hobo Spider

Unless disturbed or aroused, the hobo spider will not attack people. Scientists are split on whether or not these bites are indeed dangerous.

Because the hobo spider resembles several other spider species, it’s tough to tell them apart. Some believe their venom causes blisters and tissue scarring in the same way that the brown recluse spider’s venom does, while others attribute these attacks to other spiders mistook for the hobo spider.

Mating of Hobo Spiders

Female hobo spiders lay in their funnel-shaped webs and wait for males to approach while mating in late summer. To indicate interest, men tap at the web’s entry. She may kill him if the male does not respond.

If she is interested in the male, he will weave silk into the web and approach her. In late spring and early summer, the female will lay one to four cases containing 50 to 100 eggs, which will hatch in late spring and early summer.

The spiders can survive for up to three years once fully developed.

Hobo spiders are frequently found in dark areas, such as under rocks or other organic matter. They live under foundations or in other remote sections of the house where they will not be disturbed.

Their webs are huge, sticky funnels that they employ to catch prey. The spider emerges to assault and eat whatever has been trapped. This type of action is more common at night.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do Hobo Spiders Hide?

Hobo spiders enjoy dark, damp hiding places and frequently make their nests in garages and basements. Males of the species may go into houses in quest of a mate in the late summer and early fall.

For the pests, crevices in brickwork and dark corners are perfect breeding spots. They can be found in between boxes, under radiators, and behind furniture by homeowners.

Do Hobo Spiders Bite?

Although many people believe differently, these spiders are not aggressive and only attack when provoked or threatened. Hobo spiders are fiercely protective of their egg sacs, and they will bite if they believe their young are being threatened. 

Humans frequently do not notice they are advancing on one. When a spider lives in a dark place, this is common. Aside from the construction of webs, the bug causes little harm.

Do Hobo Spiders Pose a Threat?

Previously thought to be toxic, a study of hobo spider venom found it to be a medical threat that caused necrotic lesions. Following further investigation, this was disproved, and the spider is no longer regarded as a medically dangerous spider.


It is really interesting to learn about different species of spiders. We hope we were able to educate you on Hobo Spiders – and answer some common questions about them. 

Keep checking our website for more informative articles on pests.

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I'm Daniel White, and I live in Jacksonville, Florida. The warm and humid climate of Florida gives an ideal habitat for many different kinds of pests. So, if I had to live in Florida, I had to learn how to deal with these pests. Now, I have 7 years of experience in Pest Control.

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