Does Lavender Repel Spiders? Find out here!

Spiders are really annoying creatures. 

Imagine going to the lavatory to have a warm shower in this winter season only to find out that there is a big fat spider crawling on the adjacent wall and gawking at you. 

You cannot help but be vigilant of its every move and hence you cannot even enjoy your shower. 

But, you are at the right place at the right time. 

In this article, we are going to educate you on how to repel spiders using Lavender.

Does Lavender Repel Spiders?

Does Lavender Repel Spiders?

Lavender has proved to be an effective ingredient in dealing with these creatures for ages.

If you are keen on indulging with repelling spiders but want to avoid making use of toxic chemicals, then lavender can do the job for you.

Lavender effectively rids an area of these arachnids

How Lavender Repels Spiders?

The pungent smell of lavender is known to keep these pesky creatures away.

It has an aromatic smell which creates an appealing fragrance inside the house too (an added bonus!). 

The sweet fragrance is the very thing that keeps the spiders away. 

Benefits Of Using Lavender Against Spiders

Can Lavender Kill Spiders?

The benefits of using lavender as a repelling mechanism are as follows –

  • It is not a toxic chemical and hence has no negative impact on small children or pets.
  • It has an aromatic fragrance which is absent in other toxic repellents.
  • It freshens the air and provides a delightful ambience.

Other Tips

Some useful tips are mentioned below which can be made use of to get more brilliant results –

  • Lavender and baking soda can be mixed together to make the repellent more powerful and strong.
  • Soda absorbs the dust and food stains from the area where the above said mixture was said.
  • You can add 20-30 drops of lavender in the air vaporizer to make the atmosphere fragrant as well as to ward off spiders.


Spiders can be a real pain especially if you have a phobia. 

These pesky creatures can be found everywhere from your study table to the bathroom wall and it is high time that we keep them in check. 

So, always keep the house neat and tidy and use the tactic that we have provided in this article. 

We hope you have read this article completely. Make sure to follow all of the tips that are listed below.

We are pretty sure you would get the desired results using lavender and eliminate all the spiders from your house.

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I'm Daniel White, and I live in Jacksonville, Florida. The warm and humid climate of Florida gives an ideal habitat for many different kinds of pests. So, if I had to live in Florida, I had to learn how to deal with these pests. Now, I have 7 years of experience in Pest Control.

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